For Lena, 1987-2014
Cassie Pruyn
The first time we slept together
I mean slept we swayed
all night like moored skiffs
shushing water up each other’s
smooth fiberglass sides
She’d turn when I’d turn
as if the same wave tipped us
toward the same shore
Far below a baby whale
spilled free of its mother
in a swirl of red
but the two remained tethered suspended
even once the cord snapped
Soon enough light seeped
beneath the rim of the overturned sky
Soon enough the riffling sea
sharpened to a field of blades
CASSIE PRUYN is a New Orleans-based poet born and raised in Portland, Maine. Her poems have appeared in AGNI Online, The Normal School, The Los Angeles Review, The Adroit Journal, Poet Lore, and others. Her manuscript Lena, winner of the 2017 Walt McDonald First-Book Prize in Poetry, will be published through Texas Tech University Press in the spring.